4 x 4 Fun
Look Who Paid Us A Visit
Roberto from Italy 🇮🇹 has traveled 1.4 million km in this 110 Defender Td5. He arrived earlier this week with a transfer box issue. Spent 3 days with us and now is back on the road south. He has spent 4 years solo on the road interrupted only by Covid 19, and will ship the Defender to South America later this year and plans to travel from the southern most point to Alaska. Then he plans to travel through Asia again. Was great to meet and assist.
Every year the 4 x 4 club of Zimbabwe holds a social day, where they have driving trial competitions for kids and ladies. The vehicle you see here (taken in September 2015) is a 1962 Series II Land Rover 88″ standard driven by 14 year old Pete Ades.
The vehicle is sponsored by LR and Fuchs Lubricants, with it we won first place in the CASTROL 2015 Jamboree, held in May 2015.
LR is proud to be associated with the 4 x 4 club of Zimbabwe, check out their facebook page for the latest news 4 x 4 club of Zimbabwe on facebook